Krisztával egy menyasszonyi fórumon hozott össze az élet. Ő is annak a 13 lánynak a tagja akikkel elkövettük a tömeges Trash the Dress fotózást.
A polgári szertartásuk már megvolt egy ideje, de most eljött az is amiről a kislányok nagy többsége álmodik, a fehér ruha és a nagy templom.
Nem is fűznék hozzá többet, beszéljenek a képek
Kriszta, Tamás sok boldogságot 🙂
I met with Kriszta in a bridal forum last year. She is a member of the 13 girls who committed mass Trash the Dress photo shoot. The civil ceremony was earlier, but now it is the time of little girls dream of white dress and the big church.
Kriszta, Thomas all the best!
It does this by allowing a greater flow of blood into the penis when a man taking the medication is sexually aroused. It works only with sexual stimulation and does not increase sexual desire. Tadalafil is also used to treat symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH in men with enlarged prostates. It helps to relieve symptoms such as the frequent need to urinate, painful urination, or the sensation of not completely emptying the bladder. It does this by relaxing muscles in the prostate and bladder.
Lovely photos – I really like the close up black and white of the bride 🙂
wow, really like those images
Great images. You really grabbed some fantastic moment. I really enjoyed this a lot.
This is some lovely work. I like your lighting for the dance floor.
Beautiful location, beautiful couple!
Incredible work. I love the black and white picture of the kids dancing!
Love the one with the couple at the staircase!
Great set of images. Crisp and clean. What a fantastic group!
Wonderful! You did a great job. 😀